Ellen Doll

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Catarina Kruusval has written and illustrated more than forty books for children. These include the popular stories about Ellen and Olle and their everyday adventures. When she received Raben & Sjögren’s illustrator’s grant, the jury’s exclaimed, “When Catarina Kruusval holds a pen and paintbrush, people, animals and nature are all given their own life force. With a sympathetic outlook, she has created a long line of much-loved figures... not the least, Ellen. ” 

This sweet-faced Ellen doll captures the charming personality of Catarina Kruusval's illustrations. Wearing a timeless, gingham dress and jumper, she makes the perfect companion for adventures, picnics, and bedtime snuggles.

  • One doll and outfit
  • Spot clean
  • Approx. 11" tall
  • 3+